hardtuned: California Melee XIII - Day Two- Onward to Fort Bragg
Nick Pon works up a little tire deflection in the 2002
When we left the Samoa Cookhouse, things looked like this. Here's Craig H. pressing on.
No wipers made the section towards the coast rather unpleasant (when the Rain-X turned to glue)
David Swig leads a group into the Oceanside Inn and Suites. Past experience shows that one or more of these teams will need the Lysol. Who will it be?
Randy N. and Gentry U. "Uh, we didn't get another single bed, did we?"
Former "Spirit of the Dirtbag" winner Matt Hamilton and the Giulietta Sprint.
The next day, Conrad and Martin would spend a few minutes with the CHP. Thankfully, Martin was given a warning, but also turned lemons into lemonade by having the officer verify the Giulia TI's VIN on the spot - something they needed to do before the La Carrera.
Harley and Deb arrive in the Sprite, rebodied as a utility truck. Actually Harley did get the Sprite fired and running. Stopping, not so much. This was determined on a hill in San Francisco on Sunday morning, and it involved three traffic lights - two green and one red.
Morgan's p1800.
2009 Spirit of the Dirtbag winner Carl and Gwen Ermert
Conrad and Karyn / Matt & Steph
Robert A. is confident he doesn't have the buggy room.
Josh and Jessica roll in top up from a rainy Sunday afternoon.
The Rogue Rallye has been here.
Craig is assisted by Chuck's Utilikilt. Turns out there's a special pocket for brake pads and wheel bearings behind the knife holder.
above left: "Jeff" above right: Jason is still skeptical of my theory about the passenger door causing his misfire.
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