hardtuned: California Melee XIII - Day Three- The Limp Home
6:15am wakeup call.
Bring a Towel
Killing a little time on the way to Cloverdale. This was after the Goldwing Incident on Highway 1. Christine and Nick got stuck behind a couple of leisurely touring motorcyclists from Vancouver BC. They didn't pull off for the chain of 20 cars behind them, as they tootled along gawking at the ocean at 30 mph for miles and miles. I stopped, waited and pulled out in front of them several times. They continuted on 1 at 128. Navarro was having a sale (CK is on their mailing list) so she grabbed a couple of bottles.
The Shoog at Burger Ranch - Craig H. documents the scene
Micahel Ashby enjoys a beer, Cherryl and Steve Glenn in the background.
And then the fan went into the radiator.. (followed by a nervous laugh)
David Soloway- '66 p1800 and Ben Buja- '70 P1800. Where's Morgan? And when am I going to get around to getting a new windshield?
Arms Up! Woooo!
It's a fox hunt. Actually it's a Fox, Hunt, Fox Fox
Michael is thinking about that beer.....
This only took 20-odd attempts to get right.
That's right ladies, Jason has the matching jacket too, but he thought it might be a little too much for Chenery Park.
How is your drink Mr. Howell?
Pedal Pusher shirt model Mitch P.
Christine R. (subbing for Martin L.) and Raylene
Got me a Melee hat yo!
Melee XIII is in the books, and we're already looking forward to next year. Cheers - hardtuned.com
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