Day One: Special(e) Olympics - Hurry to Red Bluff
It's interesting to note the aerodynamics of the Sprint Speciale... most cars throw a swirling cloud of dust behind them - but with no vortex to spin things around, the two tires leave individual clouds like two motorcycles riding side by side. So that's what a coeffecient of drag of .29 gets you.
Pete And Randy continued their exhaust work at the Lamplighter
Gabby and Ian
NP shot on the way to Red Bluff
Meanwhile, across town at the D.I. (Days Inn) probably while we shot the photos on the dirt section at the top of the page....
Norm was working on his cannonball technique
Karyn samples the Craig Howell Mini Bar at the Lamplighter
Back over to the DI for some snacks by the pool
When suddenly a luau spontaneously broke out - Karyn, Victoria, CK
What the...?
Pete joined in too...
Midnight at the Lamplighter - Clark R's Renault and Elizabeth in the parking lot.