Day Two: Red Bluff to Fort Bragg


After a morning foot-tour of failed and closed breakfast places, we lined up to hit the road. This shot was taken just before a toothless woman rounded the corner from the backside of the motel and asked for help moving "something heavy." As Pete S., Bill M., and I followed she muttered "his leg is broken." It was a scene straight out of COPS - the dude with a broken leg perched on a couple of chairs "I tripped on a cinder block right out there." Uh, yeah sure. Bill and I were speechless, but Pete saved the day, and gave the woman (who was repeating that she was a registered nurse for nine years) a speech that could have come right out of the Red Cross Safety Handbook on the subject of moving people with broken limbs and ambulances. Pete alerted the manager and we wasted no time getting the hell out of there. Later, Kirk saw the ambulance as he rolled by. Over lunch, I told the story to the Shoog -his reaction was "What room was that? I thought we had the whole Motel. I should call those idiots..."

CK Photos above - 356 on hightway 36



David Swig's Celica

Steph, Matt, and the super clean Fiat 124 Sedan

Mark's Bavaria

The Rhodes Spider Veloce

Shaun & Candy Pond's 67 Fulvia at speed

Harley and Deb!

Wide Spot in the Road