LeMons Final Prep
We went from total crap pile in March to practicing driver changes on the weekend before the event.
Detail man Pete crafts the interior Il Tricolore, and also constructed the excellent rear "lights" from rubber mat material.
Craig cuts his own numbers with great accuracy.
Christine set up the driver lineup and "Country Flags" of each driver. From top to bottom: Oakland, Oakland, Oakland, Fairfax, Berkeley, San Francisco.
The budget shirt stencil came in handy for branding our custom fabricated head rest. Hardtuned.com is currently researching a line of retro- Ecurie Ecrappe branded Style Auto jackets, based on how well the spraypaint held up on this cheap vinyl.
A last minute addition - the sump guard. Aerodynamic dive planes above are Honda S2000 sourced.
So we had time to practice driver changes. Pete (above right) contemplates how he can shave 15 seconds off of the process.
For our last compulsive over-prep item, Conrad welded together a stand (Thursday July 5th) that would hold a Honda S2000 radiator (we had sitting around) on the trunk. We mocked up the radiator and bought supplies to run lines back to it, should we even need it. Last year it was a hit to our radiator that cooked our motor, and dropped us to a 5th place finish.