2006 No Frills Iron Bottom Motor Tour

The hardtuned.com crew took another automotive leap of faith and purchased a 1973 Alfa Romeo Berlina on the Saturday before the Iron Bottom. After a quick pre-flight check, we grabbed some tools and hit the road. The official route left from the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, but a couple of us from Northern California started from San Francisco, and made our own charge down to Central California to meet the event on the first day. Thanks to relentless rain, the theme of the year was "water crossing." Hats off to Ed Pasini and Jack Brown, Disorganizers of the event.

Enjoying the piped in MuzakĀ© while securing coffee inside the outlet mall in Gilroy, CA. Martin Swig's 1975 Toyota Celica Liftback from Switzerland looks rather conspicuous among rabid shoppers and their Saturns and SUVs.

Following the Swig Celica and Lamm 240z on the way down.

After circling the Pozo Saloon, and killing some time in Santa Margarita we saw cars and gave chase through the water, back towards Pozo, CA.

Starting to sense a theme?

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